The Saint Charles Avenue Association is an all-volunteer organization. The board of directors consists of 15 members, some of whom live on The Avenue, some do not. We welcome those who love The Avenue—residents and businesses—to join our organization. Our annual meeting is held each November and all members are invited to attend. Members also receive complimentary copies of our newsletter, “Streetcar Tracks.” Our Facebook page alerts members about events taking place on The Avenue and in the city. Please “like” our Facebook page to learn more.
First Horizon is our corporate sponsor and has been very generous in supporting the efforts of the Saint Charles Avenue Association.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS President: Ned Bergin Vice President: Holly Sharp Snodgrass Secretary: James Van Horn Treasurer:Vanessa Claiborne Immediate Past President: Odom Heebe Members: Court Carrere, Jenny Charpentier, Martin de Laureal, Jr., Brad Gottsegen, Cole Halpern, Lesli Harris, Jeremy Head, Jennifer Heebe, Price Lanier, Paul Masinter, Taylor Morgan, Marianne Mumford, Randy Opotowsky, Anne Redd, Chip Saulsbury, Peter Trapolin, and Allie Freeman Yielding. Executive Director: Lesley Hardin