Look through our photographs to discover some of the treasures of St. Charles Avenue and some of our favorite memories. Click on each photo to enlarge. Photos by Laura Claverie and Charles Leche.
Below are photos from SCAA's Annual Meeting and Reception, which was held on Wednesday, November 20, 2019 at the home of Jennifer and Fred Heebe.
Below are photos from the St. Charles Avenue Association's annual meeting in November 2018. Left: Newly inaugurated board members Odom Heebe, James Van Horn, Billy Freiberg, Ned Bergin and Ashland Hines. Right: John Bendernagel, Shaun Duncan, Sybil Favrot and Paul Masinter at the St. Charles Avenue Association’s annual meeting in November at the home of Sybil and Blair Favrot. Photos from myneworleans.com / St. Charles Avenue Magazine.
Below are some photos from the St. Charles Avenue Streetcar Press Conference and Cocktail Party. Photos by Jeff Strout.
Guest speakers at the St. Charles Avenue Association meeting held Wednesday, February 17, 2016 at the home of board member Weesie Ripley include: Greg Lawson, Mayor's office of Neighborhood Engagement; Deputy Police Chief Paul Noel; SCAA Board Member Weesie Ripley. Also: Camille J. Strachan, SCAA President; Rayann Cantrell, and Councilwoman LaToya Cantrell.
The St. Charles Avenue Association hosted a crime meeting November 4th, 2015 with guest speakers Rafael Goyeneche, president of the Metropolitan Crime Commission and Jeffrey Asher, crime analyst and writer/blogger for The Advocate. Leaders of neighborhood associations and civic groups attended by invitation.